Written by e e cummings (Edward Estlin, 1894 -1962). First published in 1931.

The last show for this semester has been performed at Arin Teaterproduktion. We ended with Ondskan in the afternoon on Thursday the 22nd of November in Växjö after having played the English version in the morning that same day. Although I have done so many shows in both English and Swedish with that production over a number of years I was rather nervous this time around. Partly because one is standing alone on a stage without any colleague to hold on to if something would go wrong but more so than usual because I had never performed in both languages on the same day before. It had also been several years since I last did the piece in Swedish.

This meant that it took much more time to rehearse than I thought it would to get it back on track. Being in re-reaheasrals was rather frustrating. The words and actions did not synchronize as I have felt that they have started to do in the English version. When I sat on the train down to Växjö to perform I was still worried that I had not been able to get it back properly but luckily once up on stage in front of the audience it all went smoothly. Two times an English word popped up in my head but I managed to translate it properly before I spoke and apart from that it worked out fine.
Once again I was taken by that nice sensation of just letting go of the text and being in the moment, not trying to control the action. It was a fun ending to the season, making me look forward to the next time around for Ondskan in the end of January.

Performance of Ondskan in Växjö

Performance of Ondskan in Växjö